こんにちは、カリフォルニア在住の猫好き女子(CALI CAT GIRL)です。2019年12月に東京で勤めていた仕事を辞めて、カリフォルニア州に移住しました。2020年1月には、約7年間の遠距離恋愛を経て、アメリカ人と結婚しました。今は、ロサンゼルスでグリーンカード(永住権)の許可を待ちながら生活しています。
Hi, I am a CALI CAT GIRL! I quit my full-time job in Tokyo and moved to California in December 2019. In January 2020, I got married to my fiancé who is American, in long-distance relationship for about 7 years, and now I live in Los Angeles, waiting for my green card to get through. In this blog, I am going to share how to enjoy California Disneyland/Adventure from the perspective of annual pass holder, my volunteer life at Cats shelter and etc. For anyone, who is HUGE fan of Disney & cats, and also who is considered to move to the States, maybe who is interested in American cultures, please stay tuned!
With love by my baby boy, Kyle...
Meow and xoxo 😻😻😻
Hi, I am a CALI CAT GIRL! I quit my full-time job in Tokyo and moved to California in December 2019. In January 2020, I got married to my fiancé who is American, in long-distance relationship for about 7 years, and now I live in Los Angeles, waiting for my green card to get through. In this blog, I am going to share how to enjoy California Disneyland/Adventure from the perspective of annual pass holder, my volunteer life at Cats shelter and etc. For anyone, who is HUGE fan of Disney & cats, and also who is considered to move to the States, maybe who is interested in American cultures, please stay tuned!
With love by my baby boy, Kyle...
Meow and xoxo 😻😻😻